Monday, November 25, 2019

Anxiety: What It Is, What To Do

What is an anxiety disorder?

Severity of symptoms and the capacity of a person to cope independently from anxiety disorders daily stresses or anxious moments. National surveys report that about one in five Americans over 18 years of age and one in three teenagers between 13 and 18 years of age had an anxiety disorder over the past year.

Tell your doctor, who can explore treatment options or refer you to an experienced mental health professional if anxiety is severe, serious, or regularly caused by circumstances that are not a real threat.

There are effective treatments for anxiety

Treatment is tailored to your diagnosis. Effective options include:
Lifestyle changes, such as skipping caffeine, exercise regularly, and avoiding medicines or substances that may cause symptoms of anxiety.

Mind-body approaches, such as breathing deeply, meditation, mindfulness, and techniques to relieve muscle tension and promote calm.

Psychotherapy, like cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy. CBT informs people to challenge and reframe distorted or unhelpful anxious thinking, because thoughts affect feelings and actions. Exposure therapy helps people to tolerate and calm their anxiety by gradually exposing a person to feared situations or objects under the guidance from a therapist.

Medicines, like short-acting drugs called benzodiazepines, which are used when anxiety spikes are needed. Low doses of some antidepressants, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), help to ease anxiety when taken daily.

It is often best to combine approaches. Relieving anxiety with medication while using CBT or exposure therapy to enhance coping skills and help retrain the brain can do a lot to make anxiety manageable.

You can also visit Austin Bridges Therapy and get anxiety counseling in Austin. Here Mr. Bridges as an anxiety therapist inAustin Tx is specialized in eliminating anxiety. He will give you the right treatment. Visit our site now and get more details about anxiety.

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